Saturday, August 6, 2011


I've been here just over two weeks and already feel pretty settled. I'd like to credit my maturity and travel experience for this easy transition, but really I think I've just managed to find a ridiculously sweet deal.

The school gives me a place to live. I have to share with two roommates, also English teachers at the school, but our penthouse digs are swanky contrast to most of my recent NYC places. It's within walking distance or a short bus ride from the school. After just four days a colleague offered to loan me a bike she's not using. And if riding amidst traffic doesn't ever become less daunting, I'm just a block away from an extensive biking and jogging path along the river.

A good friend of mine is teaching in Japan this year. She was gracious enough to come visit me and help me get settled.  After only four light days of work I had a week off, so Lindsay and I really got to explore the city. Let me tell you, it's so much easier to be illiterate when you have company!

Thanks to awesome friends back home I came over here with some great connections, and have made some more thanks to an old college friend who's been studying here.

I think I'm in for a pretty fantastic year.

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